• +260 979 888 666
  • info@gastec.co.zm
  • 20572 Off Mumbwa Road, Industrial Area, Lusaka.

Energizing zambia's future with LPG Gas

Our mission is to be the leading provider of safe and reliable LPG solutions, enhancing the daily lives of individuals and fueling the growth of businesses


Adherence to Timelines and Budgets

We understand the importance of timelines and budgets in gas distribution.

to Quality

We understand the importance of timelines and budgets in gas distribution.

Skilled and Dedicated

Skilled professionals dedicated to turning your vision into reality.


Full spectrum of LPG gas services, end to-end solutions.

LPG Distribution Facility

Our state-of-the-art facility adheres to strict safety standards and utilizes the latest technology. Automated processes allow for efficient pumping of LPG into cylinders, followed by comprehensive safety inspections to ensure product integrity.

Bulk Gas Distribution

GasTec utilizes certified road tanker fleet to distribute bulk LPG to commercial and industrial customers. Our tanker trucks meet both local and international standards for transporting dangerous goods and are monitored 24/7 using GPS technology.

Our Clients

Stay updated

Join our community for tips on efficient gas usage and maintenance.


At Gastec, we pride ourselves in aiding the alleviation of environmental issues and reduce the carbon footprint to mitigate climate change.




Contact Us

20572 Off Mumbwa Road, Industrial Area, Lusaka. Zambia.